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Aloha! Toastmasters River Cruise and Picnic

On Sunday, July 7th, Toastmasters takes to the great outdoors! First, we set sail on the beautiful Danube river for a special Hawaiian-themed Toastmasters meeting from 1:45pm to 4pm. Then, we dock on Margit Island and spend the late afternoon enjoying the greenest grass in Budapest with a lovely picnic until 6pm.

13:45 Boarding the Rubin boat on Karl Lutz Rakpart – see exact location here:
14:00 Boat leaves the dock
14:30 Toastmasters meeting begins
15:30 Toastmasters meeting ends
16:00 Boat docks on Margit Island
16:05 We walk to the picnic
16:10 Arrive at the picnic

We have arranged an ALL STAR LINE-UP for the meeting! Speaking will be Peter Hajdu and Hans Peterson. Table Topics by Marton Csepregi and a MYSTERY TOASTMASTER will be your host for the afternoon.
Welcome drinks and cold water will be served at the event. If there’s any Hawaiian-style item waiting in your wardrobe to be finally worn: now is the time! Flower garlands, crazy sunglasses and floral outfits will be welcomed with a round of applause.

Seats are limited – only 60 tickets are available. Toastmasters members may bring one guest (over 16 please) provided they register and purchase their ticket. Registration will be confirmed only upon receipt of payment. Payment information is on the registration form.



15:30 Picnic begins
16:10 Boaters arrive
18:00 Picnic ends

The picnic will be free of charge. All are welcome 🙂 Please bring your own refreshments, food and snacks to the picnic.

Facebook event:

Further inquiries:

Hope to see you there!

Happy Summer!
BPTM ExCo 2019-2020

Cover photo by: Edit Trunkó