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We were born with narrative identity

”Storytelling is not someting we do. Storytelling is who we are and there is a story teller in each one of us. Your story can change the world. Let it out.” Carmine Gallo

Stories have been implanted in you thousands of times since your mother took you on her knee. You’ve read good books, seen movies, attended plays. Humans naturally want to work through stories. Storytelling is the art to tell stories in order to engage an audience. A story expresses how and why life changes. It begins with a situation in which life is relatively in balance: You come to work day after day, week after week, and everything’s fine. You expect it will go on that way. But one day something happens and that will move your life out of balance. Potentially traumatic experiences wherein you didn’t or haven’t had an empathetic witness help you to positively and powerfully frame those experiences. A fundamental aspect of reframing the past is to shift what was formerly seen as a negative experience into a positive one.

Alex MacIntosh believes in that everyone has stories and everyone is a storyteller.
Alex MachIntos
Alex MacIntosh

Alex  – champion speaker and immediate past President of Budapest Toastmasters – has been doing Magic of Storytelling Workshops since in October last year. In September it will be his 6th Magic of Storytelling workshop series. Alex said that each workshop was different. Each time is unique because the participants come from all parts of the world and their energies create and drive the group.

How is Magic of Storytelling different than Toastmasters?

This workshop series is totally different than Toastmasters. A core group (less than 12) work together on our stories for a full month. There are 8 workshop hours in total and participants help each other grow and this shapes the stories. Everyone is super-supportive and generous with their creativity, ideas and feedback. 

Participants get experience creating their story and help others create theirs.

This makes the experience so fun – not only are you creating your story, you are helping others create theirs as well.

Balazs Tóth, workshop attendee says  „Some people are natural storytellers, some need to learn the art of storytelling. I feel I am a bit of both. Attending the Storytelling workshop, I now understand why I did what I did while telling a story (even though I was not aware). Audience beware! Supplementing with new techniques and wittingly engineering the stories, you will not have any other chance but to be captivating.”

István Lázár, an other workshop attendee „learned how to tell a story in a way most people will find entertaining and feel connected to it, engaged. Even a boring story can be transformed into an interesting, thrilling one, if it’s told with proper structure, and spiced up with an adequate amount of techniques, like gestures, pace, vocal variety and many others you will learn at this workshop”

Magic of Storytelling showcase

You are lucky to be a Toastmaster. Why? Alex gives you the answer:

„Toastmasters has given me the skills to do this type of work, I want to help more of my Toastmasters community learn these next-level storytelling skills like using scene and summary, rhetorical devices, suspense and emotion.” Use the discount code TOASTMASTERS to get 20% off the workshop for September.